Mark S Aber |
Associate Professor Emeritus |
Babu Adhimoolam |
Visiting Assistant Professor |
Dolores Albarracin |
Professor Emerita |
Leo Alexander III |
Assistant Professor |
Renee L Baillargeon |
Alumni Distinguished Professor Emerita |
Diane M Beck |
Professor and Head |
Aaron S Benjamin |
Assistant Head for Infrastructure and Operations, Professor |
Howard Berenbaum |
Professor |
Frederick Beuttler |
J Bock |
Professor Emerita |
Jerry Bonam |
Facility Operations Coordinator-Operations Manager |
Cassie Brandes |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
William Brewer |
Professor Emeritus |
D. A. Briley |
Associate Head, Diversity and Inclusion, Associate Professor |
Simona Buetti |
Research Associate Professor, CITL Faculty Fellow |
Lori Butler |
Grants and Contracts Coordinator |
Víctor H Cervantes |
Assistant Professor |
Sarah Challand |
Grants and Contracts Coordinator |
Hua-hua Chang |
Professor Emeritus |
Amy Cohen |
Associate Director, Psychological Services Center (PSC), Director, University of Illinois Autism Clinic, Clinical Associate Professor |
Dov Cohen |
Professor |
Joseph Rich Cohen |
Associate Professor |
Neal J Cohen |
Professor Emeritus |
Michael Coles |
Professor Emeritus |
Adam Croom |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Summer Curry |
Human Resource Associate |
Gary S Dell |
Professor Emeritus |
Jaime Lane Derringer |
Associate Professor and Assistant Head, Information & Communication |
Florin Dolcos |
Professor |
Sanda Monica Dolcos |
Research Assistant Professor |
Fritz Drasgow |
Dean Emeritus |
Sara Dubson |
Office Administrator, PSC |
Katie Duitsman |
Visiting Academic Professional, Clinical Psychometrist, Illinois NeuroBehavioral Assessment Laboratory (INBAL) |
Donelson Dulany |
Professor Emeritus |
Monica Fabiani |
Assistant Head for Faculty Development, Professor |
Catharine Edith Ann Fairbairn |
Associate Professor |
Kara D Federmeier |
Professor |
Cynthia L Fisher |
Professor, Associate Head and Director of Graduate Studies |
Louise Fitzgerald |
Professor Emerita |
R. Chris Fraley |
Professor |
Rachel Garrett |
Office Administrator |
Lynda Gibson |
Director, Psychological Services Center, Clinical Assistant Professor |
Jozien Goense |
Associate Professor |
Linda Grady |
Assistant to the Director, Clinical Training |
Caterina Gratton |
Associate Professor |
Gabriele Gratton |
Professor |
Joshua M Gulley |
Associate Head and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor |
Benjamin L Hankin |
Fred and Ruby Kanfer Endowed Professor |
Wendy Heller |
Professor |
James R Hinman |
Assistant Professor |
LaTasha R. Holden |
Assistant Professor |
Jared Hotaling |
Assistant Professor |
Victoria Huart |
Associate Director of Finance and Business Operations |
Lawrence Hubert |
Professor Emeritus, Lyle H. Lanier Professor of Psychology, Professor of Statistics and Educational Psychology |
Charles Hulin |
Professor Emeritus |
John E Hummel |
Professor |
Carla Desi-Ann Hunter |
Professor |
Daniel Hyde |
Associate Professor |
David E Irwin |
Professor Emeritus |
Lawrence Jones |
Professor Emeritus |
Jane Jukes |
Assistant to the Head |
Suhnyoung Jun |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Janice M Juraska |
Professor Emerita |
Katherine Koch |
Coordinator of Research Programs |
Hans Friedrich Koehn |
Associate Professor |
Art Kramer |
Professor Emeritus |
Benedek Kurdi |
Assistant Professor |
Thomas Richard Kwapil |
Director of Clinical Training, Professor |
Camille Lansang |
Kathryn Leskis |
Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychology, Clinical Director, Illinois NeuroBehavioral Assessment Laboratory (INBAL) |
Ryan Leskis |
Stewardship, Alumni Relations, and Communications Coordinator |
Nu-Chu Liang |
Associate Professor |
Alejandro Lleras |
Professor, Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, U.S. National Committee for Psychological Science at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Governing Board Member, Spark Society, US Delegate to International Union of Psychological Science |
Ashton Lofgreen |
Lecturer |
Mikhail Lyubansky |
Teaching Associate Professor |
Joseph Malpeli |
Professor Emeritus |
Steve Maren |
Professor and Director, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology |
Gregory A. Miller |
Professor Emeritus |
Peggy Miller |
Professor Emerita |
Haylee Min |
Assistant Professor |
Dominik Mischkowski |
Assistant Professor |
Mackenzie Mitchell |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Jessica L Montag |
Assistant Professor |
Silvia Murgia |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Crystal Newman |
Clinical Assistant Professor, Supervising Clinical Psychologist, Illinois NeuroBehavioral Assessment Laboratory (INBAL) |
Daniel A Newman |
Professor |
Melissa Odom |
Office Support Associate |
Jennifer Piemonte |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Firmino Pinto |
Research Engineer |
Eva Marie Pomerantz |
Professor |
Ashley Ramm |
Program Coordinator, Graduate Programs |
Julian Rappaport |
Professor Emeritus |
Michel Regenwetter |
Professor |
Brenda Reinhold |
Business Administrative Associate |
Justin S Rhodes |
Professor |
Kimberly Michelle Rios |
Professor |
Michael T. Rizzo |
Assistant Professor |
Andrew Roberts |
Brent W Roberts |
Professor |
Violeta J Rodriguez |
Assistant Professor |
Brian Ross |
Professor Emeritus |
James Rounds |
Professor Emeritus |
Karen D Rudolph |
Professor |
Sepideh Sadaghiani |
Associate Professor |
Lili Sahakyan |
Professor |
Eleanor Seaton |
Professor |
Christine Shenouda |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Edward Shoben |
Professor Emeritus |
Daniel J Simons |
Professor |
Adam Steel |
Assistant Professor |
Chadly Daniel Stern |
Associate Professor |
Anastasia Stoops |
Research Scientist |
Caroline Storen |
Brenda Straka |
Assistant Professor |
Caroline Tancredy |
Director, Masters of Science in Psychological Science (MSPS), Teaching Assistant Professor |
Nathan R Todd |
Professor |
Lisa Travis |
Senior Lecturer |
Stefan Uddenberg |
Assistant Professor |
Laura Van Buer |
Undergraduate Academic Advisor |
Billy Vermillion |
Undergraduate Advisor |
Nydia Vurdah |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Laura Walsh |
Undergraduate Advisor |
Michelle Yongmei Wang |
Associate Professor |
Ranxiao Frances Wang |
Professor |
Shaoming Wang |
Bob Wickesberg |
Associate Professor Emeritus |
Jon Anthony Willits |
Assistant Professor |
Erin Wood |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Gary Wszalek |
Head Undergraduate Advisor |
Robert Wyer |
Nikki Wynn |
Undergraduate Advisor |
Bo Zhang |
Assistant Professor |
Susu Zhang |
Assistant Professor |