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James Rounds

Professor Emeritus


Vocational interest and value development in adolescence and adulthood
Applied psychological measurement (interest, values, personality traits, ability)
Person-Environment fit theory and assessment

Research Interests

Vocational interests and how they change over the life span. Research examines the structure of interests, how that structure develops and changes over the life course, and the reciprocal influences among personality traits, interests, and abilities. Also, career development in adulthood, assessment of interests, personality traits and work values.

Research Description

Vocational interests and how they change over the life span. Research examines the reciprocal influences among personality, interests, and abilities and their relations to satisfaction and performance. Career development and assessment of interests, personality traits and work values.

Courses Taught

personality, intellectual, interest, value assessment, work psychology

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor Emeritus, Educational Psychology
Professor Emeritus, Psychology

Recent Publications

Hanna, A., Morris, M. L., Hoff, K. A., Nye, C. D., Jones, K. S., & Rounds, J. (2025). Can everyone get interesting jobs? Estimating interest fit across gender, ethnicity, and education. Applied Psychology, 74(1), Article e12567.

Du, Y. Y. L., Wee, S., & Rounds, J. (Accepted/In press). Gender Differences in Vocational Interests Across 57 Countries: A Test of the Interest–Gender-Equality Paradox. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 16(1), 27-44.

Hanna, A., Nye, C. D., Samo, A., Chu, C., Hoff, K. A., Rounds, J., & Oswald, F. L. (2024). Interests of the future: An integrative review and research agenda for an automated world of work. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 152, Article 104012.

Hoff, K. A., Granillo-Velasquez, K. E., Hanna, A., Morris, M. L., Oswald, F. L., & Rounds, J. (Accepted/In press). Interest Gaps in the Labor Market: Comparing People’s Vocational Interests with National Job Demands. Journal of Business and Psychology.

Liu, Z., Hoff, K. A., Chu, C., Oswald, F. L., & Rounds, J. (Accepted/In press). Toward Whole-Person Fit Assessment: Integrating Interests, Values, Skills, Knowledge, and Personality Using the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Journal of Applied Psychology.

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