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Karen D Rudolph


Research Interests

developmental psychopathology; depression; stress and emotion; adolescent development; family and peer relationships

Research Description

The overall goal of Dr. Rudolph’s research is to identify risk and protective processes that amplify or attenuate vulnerability to psychopathology across development, with a focus on adolescence as a stage of particular sensitivity. Her research uses a multi-level, multi-method approach that considers how personal attributes of youth (e.g., gender, temperament, emotion regulation, social motivation, coping, neuroendocrine profiles, neural processing), development (e.g., pubertal timing, social transitions), and contexts (e.g., early adversity, stressors, family and peer relationships) intersect to contribute to the development of psychopathology, particularly depression and suicide. This research aims to understand both the origins and consequences of individual differences in risk. A variety of methodological approaches are used, including longitudinal survey-based research, interviews, behavior observations, experimental tasks, hormone assessments, and fMRI. Recent work also involves the development of a prevention program for adolescent depression.


Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor, Psychology
Professor, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
Affiliate, Center for Social & Behavioral Science

Recent Publications

Clayton, M. G., Cole, S. W., Giletta, M., Hastings, P. D., Nock, M. K., Rudolph, K. D., Slavich, G. M., & Prinstein, M. J. (Accepted/In press). Proinflammatory gene expression is associated with prospective risk for adolescent suicidal thoughts and behaviors over twelve months. Development and psychopathology.

Rudolph, K. D., Troop-Gordon, W., Skymba, H. V., Modi, H. H., Ye, Z., Clapham, R. B., Dodson, J., Finnegan, M., & Heller, W. (2025). Cultivating emotional resilience in adolescent girls: Effects of a growth emotion mindset lesson. Child development, 96(1), 389-406.

Clapham, R. B., Ye, Z., Somerville, L. H., Miller, A. B., Giletta, M., Hastings, P. D., Slavich, G. M., Nock, M. K., Prinstein, M. J., & Rudolph, K. D. (Accepted/In press). Risk and Protective Effects of Need for Approval on Self-Injury in Adolescent Girls. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

Davis, M. M., Modi, H. H., Skymba, H. V., Haigler, K., Finnegan, M. K., Telzer, E. H., & Rudolph, K. D. (2024). Neural Sensitivity to Peer Feedback and Depressive Symptoms: Moderation by Executive Function. Developmental psychobiology, 66(6), Article e22515.

Garrisi, K., Tsai, A. P. T., Patel, K. K., Gruhn, M. A., Giletta, M., Hastings, P. D., Nock, M. K., Rudolph, K. D., Slavich, G. M., Prinstein, M. J., Miller, A. B., & Sheridan, M. A. (2024). Early Exposure to Deprivation or Threat Moderates Expected Associations Between Neural Structure and Age in Adolescent Girls. Child Maltreatment. Advance online publication.

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