Summer 2021
We are proud to announce the following grants have been awarded to faculty in the Psychology Department during the Summer 2021
Professors Joseph Cohen and D. A. Briley, along with Professor Jennifer Hardesty in Human Development and Family Studies, received a grant from the National Institute of Health to improve risk assessment in the juvenile justice system.
Professor Benjamin Hankin received a grant from the National Institute of Health with colleagues from the University of Denver to improve childhood cardiovascular health by reducing maternal prenatal depression.
Fall 2020
We are proud to announce the following grants have been awarded to faculty in the Psychology Department during the Fall 2020 semester.
Professor Nicole Allen has received funding to evaluate the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Rape Prevention Education Statewide Initiative.
Professor Michel Regenwetter received a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop new behavioral decision analytic resources.
The Women's Resources Center Director, Sarah Colomé, and Professor Nicole Allen received a grant from the US Department of Justice to lead a collaborative effort to more effectively prevent, and respond to instances of sexual misconduct, with a particular focus on the issue of stalking.
Professors Nicole Allen and Mark Aber received a grant from the Champaign County Mental Health Board to provide evaluation support to Champaign County Mental Health Board funded agencies.
Professor Monica Fabiani received funding from the Society for Psychophysiological Research for her and her team of editorial assistants to conduct scholarly and administrative tasks related to the Editorship of the journal of Psychophysiology.
Professor Gabriele Gratton received a grant from Aura Labs to look at the relationship between optical imaging and EEG signals.
Clinical/Community PhD student Dani Kang has, with her co-sponsors Profs. Catharine Fairbairn and Kara Federmeier, been awarded a NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship for her work investigating alcohol's effects on threat sensitivity in a social context.
Professor Neal Cohen received a grant from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center to study Relational Memory as Model for Behavioral (Dys)function in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury.
Summer 2020
We are proud to announce the following grants have been awarded to faculty in the Psychology Department over the Summer 2020 semester.
Clinical/Community PhD student Erin Long has, with her sponsor Prof. Benjamin Hankin, been awarded a NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship to study adolescents response to humiliation and rejection and their relationship to depression.
Professor Dolores Albarracin, along with Prof. Hari Sundarum in Computer Science & Advertising, received an NSF grant to use digital social networks to study healthy behaviors that combat COVID-19.
In collaboration with researcher from Statistics, Professor Aron Barbey has be named a co-investigator for a grant from the NSF to advance statistical models for describing the structure of human response data.
Spring 2020
We are proud to announce the following grants have been awarded to faculty in the Psychology Department over the Spring 2020 semester.
Professor Daniel Hyde received a grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to use optical brain imaging to study theory of mind development from infancy to childhood.
Professor Nicole Allen received a grant to evaluate the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Rape Prevention Education Statewide Initiative.
Fall 2019
We are proud to announce the following grants have been awarded to faculty in the Psychology Department over the Fall 2019 semester.
Professor Howard Berenbaum received a grant from the American Psychological Foundation to assess whether emotional awareness contributes to healthy aging.
Professor Diane Beck and a team of international researchers received a grant from the National Science Foundation to fund the activities of the Females of Vision et al. (FoVea). The organization seeks to advance the visibility, impact, and success of women in vision science.
Professor Kara Federmeier was awarded a grant from Sandia National Laboratories to collect and analyze data to assess the characteristics of event-related neural signals (the N400 and P600) for multilingual Individuals.
Professor Nicole Allen received grants from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority to evaluate Police Department Based Victim Assistance programs and from the Champaign County Mental Health Board (CCMHB) with to, along with Co-PI Professor Mark Aber, to evaluate programs funded by the CCMHB and the Champaign County Developmental Disabilities Board.
Professor Aron Barbey received a grant from DARPA to help individual war fighters identify, measure, and track personalized biomarkers.
Professors Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton receive two grants from the NIH to study how brain arterial health predicts brain and cognitive aging.
Dr. Simona Buetti and co-PI's John Hummel and Alejandro Lleras received a grant from the NSF to develop a computational toolbox that predicts eye-movements and visual search behavior in scenes.
Professor Karen Rudolph, along with Professors Sepideh Sadaghiani and Wendy Heller, receive a grant from the NIH to study the effects of a “growth” vs “fixed” mindset on the emotional processing of adolescent girls.
Professors Sepideh Sadaghiani and Wendy Heller receive NIH funding to investigate how inherent brain oscillations relate to cognition.