Fall 2022
We are proud to announce the following grants has been awarded to faculty in the Psychology Department during the Fall 2022 semester.
Professor Aron Barbey received a grant from PepsiCo Inc. for a project titled "Investigating Novel Measures of Biological Age"
Professors Florin Dolcos and Sanda Dolcos are Co-PIs for a grant from TMCity for a project entitled "Microbial Profiles across Childhood and Children’s Brain Activity and Socialization Experiences Implicated in Executive and Emotional Control." They were awarded the grant along with PI Kelly Freeman Bost from the department of Human Development & Family Studies and Co-PI Sharon Donovan from the Nutrition Sciences department.
Professor Jessica Montag and Co-PIs Anastasia Stoops and Jon Willits received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study eye movements in skilled and novice readers using a behavioral and cognitive approach.