In March 2018, a Steering Committee meeting for the Illinois Summit on Diversity in Psychological Science began a series of discussions about the future of diversity science. The 3-day event brought together nationally recognized leaders and emerging diversity scientists with the goal of transforming the way researchers think about diversity.
The summit created a space for academic discussions around diversity broadly, however the role of race, racism and the intersection of identities emerged as a prominent theme throughout the talks. Andrea Miller, Chadly Stern from the UIUC Psychology Department and Helen Neville from African American Studies and Educational Psychology in the College of Education have consolidated the emergent themes into a special issue recently published in the Journal of Social Issues. The special release, called "Research on Race and Racism" explores beliefs about race and racism, consequences of racial and ethnic discrimination, new directions in racial identity research, and the implications for the future of diversity science.
A collaborative article by members of our faculty, which appeared in that issue, entitled “Forging Diversity-Science-Informed Guidelines for Research on Race and Racism in Psychological Science”, outlined a clear foundation for advancing diversity and inclusion in Psychological Science, including promoting a racially diverse team science approach, utilizing diverse samples, and taking a diversity science approach that promotes research on race, racism, or diversity in general.