Contact Information

Psych Building

Logo of a monarch butterfly on a leaf with the caption CERTIFIED GREEN OFFICEBuilt in 1969 and designed by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, the main building that houses the Department of Psychology is a Certified Green Office.

Main Office: 308 Psychology Bldg, MC-716

Address: 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign, IL 61820

View: Campus Map | ADA Accessibility Map | Building Map

Phone: (217) 333-0631


Click here to see Frequently Asked Questions. 

For Lost & Found, please contact Brenda Reinhold or Jane Jukes in the 3rd-floor admin area. 

Need computer or technology help? Email

Building Access


When classes are in session (fall, spring, summer):

  • Monday - Thursday: 7 am - 8 pm
  • Friday - Saturday: 7 am - 5 pm
  • Sundays & holidays: Closed

When classes are not in session:

  • Monday - Friday: 7 am - 5 pm
  • Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Computer Labs: Room 453 is open ONLY during the Psychology Building hours posted above, while Room 219a is available at other times for your use.

The Atrium in the center of the Psychology Building provides tables and chairs in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere appropriate for studying or small group meetings. 

All-gender bathrooms with infant changing tables are available on the first floor in the main lobby (next to the elevators) and in the southwest corner of the third floor (next to the service elevators).

A Privacy Lounge is available to students, faculty, and staff needing some private space in the department. The room includes space for breastfeeding/pumping and a fridge to store milk. Anyone needing access can request a key from the business office on the 3rd floor. Please send a request to or stop by office 334. If no one is available in 334, please see Brenda Reinhold in 327.