Assistant Professor Violeta Rodriguez was selected as a mHealth Scholar for the 2024 mHealth Training Institute (mHTI), which will be hosted this August at the University of California Los Angeles. Due to the intense and team-science nature of the training, the institute is limited to 30 scholars selected from the pool of applicants. As such, she was selected from a large pool of applications.
mHealth (mobile health) is a general term for the use of mobile phones and other wireless technology in medical care. The National Institutes of Health-funded mHTI seeks to develop the next generation of academic mHealth researchers. The unique transdisciplinary incubator brings together researchers from disparate backgrounds for a weeklong, immersive residential boot camp in all things mHealth. Beyond providing participants with a core educational grounding in transdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies essential to mHealth innovation, the mHTI seeks to instill the intrapersonal and interpersonal skills and connections necessary for cross-cutting research.