Jay is a second-year graduate student in Dr. Catharine Fairbairn’s Alcohol Research Lab. He graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Broadly, he is interested in mental health research and applied methodologies for real-world impact.
Before graduate school, Jay gained diverse work experience as a road cyclist, guitarist, and military counterintelligence agent. In his free time, he enjoys road cycling, going on road trips, and taking pictures.
Research Interests
- Addiction
- Social Contexts
- Machine Learning/mHealth
Research Description
Jay strives to understand alcohol addiction from a social contextual perspective. Specifically, he is interested in applying machine learning and ambulatory assessment to examine real-time drinking behaviors in addition to the risk factors for alcohol use disorder from clinical and social psychology perspectives.
In the Alcohol Research Lab, Jay conducts natural language processing research to understand alcohol effects from real-world drinking contexts. One of the limitations of previous studies was the scripted and controlled environments, which posed challenges for generalizations to real-world situations. To effectively address the gap, Jay attempts to capture meaningful conceptual and practical implications from unscripted, natural conversations during social drinking.
As of 2025, Jay is researching how alcohol influences speech prosody and natural language in unscripted social drinking contexts by utilizing machine learning. Jay is also actively assisting in a transdermal biosensor project to validate the reliability of TAC readings across participants, experimental sessions, and mobile devices. Transdermal sensor technology is a non-intrusive way of measuring alcohol concentration, and the biosensor can be integrated into a smartwatch, allowing individuals to monitor real-time intoxication levels on the spot. Ultimately, such an innovative approach will help people control their drinking, avoid driving under the influence, and cope with relapses.
M.S. in Psychological Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (May 2025 Expected)
B.S. in Psychology, University of Utah
Recent Publications
Park, J., Fairbairn, C., Han, J., & Bosch, N. (under review). Speech as a signal: exploring acoustic dynamics as indicators of alcohol intoxication via machine learning. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Pre-registration:
Park, J., & Choi, S. (under review). Exploring the impact of self-efficacy and depressive symptoms on health behaviors of adults with visual impairments. Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Park, J., & Fairbairn, C. (in progress). Multimodal analysis of temporal dynamics of socio-emotional rewards in alcohol use.
Park, J., & Youn, K. (2022). Text mining: research trends of college students’ problem drinking. Journal of Next-generation Convergence Technology Association, 6(6), 1127-1140.
Youn, K., Jeon, H., & Park, J. (2022). The application of appreciative inquiry (AI) and its effectiveness on social welfare coursework: a case study. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 22(16), 191-209.
Lim, H., & Park, J. (2022). Research trends of emotions, social competence, and self-esteem of children through traditional games. Culture and Convergence, 44(6), 819-840.
Conference Presentations
Youn, K., & Park, J. (2025). A study on the effectiveness of Appreciative Inquiry in the social welfare sector. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Convergence in Takamatsu, Japan.
Park, J., Han, J., Lu, Y., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2024). Effects of alcohol on speech prosody in social context. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Lu, Y., Park, J., Fairbairn, C. E., & Zhang, R. (2024). Effects of BAC feedback on BAC level and self-estimation accuracy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Park, J., Han, J., Lu, Y., & Fairbairn, C. E. (2024). Can we detect alcohol intoxication using the voice? Poster presented at the Research Fair 2024 of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Park, J., & Youn, K. (2022). News article analysis of suicide in adolescents using text mining. Poster presented at the annual conference of the International Next-Generation Convergence Technology Association, Pusan, South Korea.