capstone project1Capstone Undergraduate Research (PSYC 492 or BCOG 492)  is a two semester program that has been created to facilitate the preparation of a Bachelor’s Thesis for senior Psychology and Brain and Cognitive Science majors that are not in the Honors program.  Students take the course in the fall and spring of their senior year.  This is an opportunity to enhance your research skills but not a graduation requirement.

This course helps students gain an in-depth, background knowledge of their research, and teaches students to make effective oral and written presentations of their findings.

The fall semester emphasizes a review of the literature, and the spring semester concentrates capstone2on the presentation of the results both orally and in the Bachelor’s Thesis.

Students that have a 3.0 GPA (both in Psychology and overall) and have their Bachelor’s Thesis approved by the distinction committee, are awarded Distinction in Psychology at graduation.

Students must have completed at least one semester of PSYC 290 and the research project should be underway by the start of the fall semester to enroll for PSYC 492 or BCOG 492 and PSYC 494.

Application for the year-long experience is usually available once the Fall Class Schedule goes live. 

Fall 2025/Spring 2026 Capstone Application


Apply for the Advanced Research Opportunity Honors Scholarship

One student will be selected for the Advanced Research Opportunity Honors Scholarship, which is intended to enable research opportunities for students who face financial and time constraints that otherwise might prevent them from participating in the in-depth research process associated with completing a Bachelor’s thesis. This scholarship provides financial support over three semesters of undergraduate research conducted towards the completion of Bachelor’s thesis in psychology. 

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