Instructions for Researchers

Conducting Research using the Psychology Paid Research System

Individual research labs are responsible for ensuring that their in-person research procedures are in compliance with all COVID-related directives from the department, campus/university, and state.

Below are instructions about conducting research using the Psychology Department’s Paid Research System. Read the information carefully. If you have questions, consult the FAQ or contact the Participant Pool Coordinator. All studies must have prior approval from the campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) specifically to run paid participants. Studies in the Paid Research System do not have to be approved by the Psychology Human Participants Committee (HSC) in addition. Note that there is a different instruction file for the Psychology Course Credit Participant Pool.

Psychology faculty/postdocs, special faculty with zero-time appointment in the Department of Psychology, and currently enrolled Psychology graduate students are eligible to use the Psychology Department’s Paid Research System.


  • Thesis/Dissertation projects of students from a different department are not eligible.
  • Research projects of faculty/postdocs from a different department are not eligible.
  • Affiliated faculty are not eligible unless they have a zero-time appointment with the Psychology Department.