Researchers (Credit Pool)

No research can be conducted using the Psychology Course Credit Participant Pool until after it has been approved by the campus Institutional Review Board (IRB). Individual research labs are responsible for ensuring that their in-person research procedures are in compliance with all COVID-related directives from the department, campus/university, and state.


The Psychology Course Credit Participant Pool gives students who are taking particular Psychology courses the opportunity to participate in experiments outside of the classroom. Participating in the Course Credit Pool is meant to be an educational experience during which students will learn about how psychological research is conducted. All studies are in accordance with the ethical procedures established by the University Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Psychology Department's Human Subjects Committee (HSC). 

The Psychology Department’s Course Credit Participant Pool is a participant recruitment system that department members can use to obtain participants for their research. Psychology faculty/postdocs, currently enrolled Psychology graduate students, and undergraduate students in the Psychology Honors Program are eligible to use the Psychology Department’s Course Credit Pool. Special faculty with zero-time appointment in the Department of Psychology may use the Credit Pool if they are collaborating with a Psychology graduate student/faculty.

Note: Research projects of PSYC290/494 or PSYC492 (Capstone) students are not eligible. Thesis/Dissertation projects of students from a different department are not eligible. Research projects of faculty/postdocs from a different department are not eligible. Affiliated faculty are not eligible unless they have a zero-time appointment with the Psychology Department. 

To efficiently prepare your study, please read the following documents:


CREDIT SONA LOGIN SONA CALENDAR Instructions for Researchers