March 26-28, 2018
The Illinois Summit on Diversity in Psychological Science is intended to bring together nationally recognized and emergent psychological scientists whose work focuses on issues relevant to the science of diversity, broadly defined. The overarching aim of this Summit is to set a new agenda for research in psychological science that will transform the way we think about diversity and its context in the academy and in society more broadly.
Specific goals are 1) to provide a forum for psychologists and other social scientists to review, refine, and disseminate their knowledge of diversity science; 2) to cross-pollinate ideas, form new collaborations, and inspire other researchers to integrate diversity-related issues, questions, and methodolgies into their own scholarship; and 3) to identify and promote new applications for relevant findings from psychological science in a variety of institutional spaces.It is also an opportunity to celebrate those who have been engaged in diversity-related scholarship and make their work more visible and accessible, both to other scholars and to the broader society in which we live and work.
Registration begins on November 13, 2017. Abstract submissions for the poster session closes on January 15, 2018. Go to: http:conferences.illinois.edu/diversitysummit/ for more information.