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Luke Sztajnkrycer


I was born in Ohio, raised in Rochester, Minnesota, and completed my undergrad at UC San Diego. I could not escape the Midwest for long :). 


I received a Bachelor's in Cognitive Science and a Bachelor's in Math-Economics from UC San Diego in 2023. During my time in California, I worked under Dr. Angela Yu and Dr. Marcelo Mattar, and explored problems related to social bias and judgments, sequential decision-making, and memory. 

Research Interests

Currently, I am interested in sequential decision-making in the context of human foresight, planning, efficiency, etc., and the creation of decision support tools to aid people with these complex processes. 


B.S. Cognitive Science - Machine Learning, University of California San Diego

B.S. Joint Math-Economics, University of California San Diego

Additional Campus Affiliations

University of California San Diego