All community projects require at least one academic year commitment
PSYC 340 (Fall) – PSYC 341 (Spring) - 4 hours each semester.
Principles of psychology applied to service problems in the community; students serve as nonprofessional mental health workers in supervised experiences in schools, hospitals, and other nontraditional settings.
Counseling Center Paraprofessional Program
Three-semester experience - applications usually due in late September.
The CCP program provides training in communication and individual helping skills with practical experience in providing developmental and preventive services to students. These skills and experiences are not only especially valuable to those entering a helping profession or graduate school in a related area, but also in many other fields, and even everyday life.
Cunningham Children's Home Internship
Two-semester experience - applications are due in March/April.
Cunningham Children's Home is an Urbana residential treatment facility serving children with severe emotional/behavioral problems. Youth are between ages 10 and 17 years.
Social Justice Educator Paraprofessional Program
Three-semester experience - applications are usually due at the end of the fall semester.
[Not accepting applications for spring semester]
The SJE program is designed to promote diversity and student leadership by providing intensive training for students in areas of knowledge, awareness, and skills related to issues of diversity and social justice. Through this program, paraprofessionals serve as campus leaders in social justice by developing and facilitating educational programs for the campus.
Two-semester experience, beginning in the fall semester.
This class is open to all U of I students who have an interest in mindfulness and its varied applications in mental health service delivery, organizations (e.g., wellness programs in industry and business), and education (e.g., the classroom).
Each school year, different community projects may be offered. Please consult the class schedule for the most current offerings.