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Zoe (Jing) Xu

Congratulations to Zoe Xu, winner of the Graduate Award for Excellence in Psychological Science.

As a high-achieving student of the inaugural class, Zoe has optimized every opportunity available to her. Known as a diligent student, outstanding investigator, and excellent collaborator, Zoe passionately evaluates research design and data modeling. Her research spans several areas of attention and perception research, including visual search and object-recognition ability; and how perception of control influences time distortions produced by emotional events. She has presented her work to multiple professional audiences and has several manuscripts in preparation. Zoe received several offers from top doctoral programs. She has decided to remain at Illinois where we she will continue her excellent scholarship and collaboration with Drs. Simona Buetti and Alejandro Lleras.  We are delighted that Zoe will serve as a role model for future master’s students, and are very pleased to honor her achievements with the Graduate Award for Excellence in Psychological Science.