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Felicia Carparelli (BS Psychology & Music Minor '74; MS, Library Science'75)

How/why did you choose Psychology as a major?

I chose Psychology because I wanted to be a therapist and was interested in human behavior. I graduated with a B.S. in Psychology Major, Music Minor, in 1974. 

Did you believe that you had to obtain more schooling after your bachelor's degree?

 Yes, yes, yes! A bachelors is not enough in today’s job market.  If you wish to continue in the field of psychology, as a therapist, researcher, or social worker or beyond- you need additional degrees.   This is the way of the world.

If you continued schooling after your bachelor's degree, share your reasons.

I chose to become a librarian, and received a Masters in Library Science from Urbana in 1975. I worked as a librarian for 15 years, then returned to school and received a Master in Special Education from Grand Canyon University.  I was working as I studied for this second Masters.

In retrospect, what would you have done differently as an undergraduate?

I wish I had been more confident in my skills back then; it took me a while to get my act together, but that’s okay!

Describe how you utilize your undergraduate psychology skills in your current job/career.

My psychology background was a great help in working with people of all ages in libraries and schools. There will always be a need for professionals to study and cope with human behavior.

What pearls of wisdom can you offer to current undergraduate students?

Don’t give up on your dreams, but also make sure when you graduate you can get a good job and pay your bills!  I also hope your student loans, if any, are reasonable.