Mindy started with the Office of Advancement in LAS about six months ago and has made an enthusiastic debut. We are excited to welcome her to the UIUC psychology family with a bit of Q & A.
1 – What is your current role in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences?
As Assistant Director of Development, my role is to support the College by inviting conversations with anyone interested in learning more about creating impact with a charitable gift or through volunteer or advocate roles.
2 – What is one example of something new you have learned since working with the Department of Psychology?
I have learned a lot about the level of excellence that exists within the Department of Psychology. It is evident in the scope of outstanding work and accomplishments by its faculty and students. Leaders within the department are poised and ready to use every resource at their disposal to provide stellar experiences that allow the best and brightest students to excel. I am beyond enthusiastic to have a role here.
3 – As a former student, you are quite familiar with the campus. Where is your favorite place to relax and take a quick break?
Most of my classes were in Huff Hall, so I’m a little partial to that building. There’s something really great about being in the arena when it’s empty and quiet. But after having been to a recent Fighting Illini women’s volleyball match, it is WAY more fun when it’s full of Illini fans!
4 – The Illinois Lottery has reached over a BILLION dollars recently. What would be your first purchase if you hit the numbers?
Oh gosh, I should probably say something really impressive, like an island. But in all honesty, I know I would buy a regular, run-of-the-mill house. Our current house is wonderful, but with two growing daughters we have definitely come to the point of expansion. I guess with a billion dollars, it could be the house of my dreams, which has a huge lot, greenhouse, full dairy barn, wildlife prairie, and full facilities for every other hobby I can squeeze into a day.
5 – If you are making a road trip playlist, what are the first five songs you add?
Philadelphia Freedom - Elton John
9-to-5 - Dolly Parton
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
I Won’t Back Down – Tom Petty
And don’t laugh… the Duck Tales theme song
Thanks for being a good sport, and welcome aboard!