Andrew is a fresh addition to our staff on the psych building's third floor. He hit the ground running with new signs, organizational systems, and an enthusiastic spirit for attacking data.
1 – What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of my job is making someone's day just a little easier. It is especially rewarding when people express gratitude.
2 – Where is your favorite place to grab a bite to eat on campus?
My favorite place on campus is Espresso Royale. On long days, the goat cheese sandwich from across the street calls my name, and grabbing a little extra caffeine is an added bonus.
3—If we were to create a staff group activity or theme day for the third floor, what would be your suggestion?
I absolutely LOVE escape rooms, so doing one for work seems like a great excuse. Otherwise, it would be fun to see what sorts of media (games, TV, movies, books) people enjoy, so a media-sharing day would be fun!
4 – As the cold temperatures have hit us all like a ton of bricks, describe your perfect evening at home.
My perfect evening at home is a night with my partner and metamours. That usually entails us all hanging out in the living room doing our respective things: watching TV, playing video games, or reading. There's nothing like being surrounded by family.
5 – If you found yourself at a wedding reception, what is the ONE song that compels you to hit the dancefloor?
It's been a long time since I've hit the dancefloor, but I'll dance to almost anything with a beat if someone drags me out there.
We can't let you off the hook that easy...we polled the floor and nominated the song "Footloose." Prepare for it to be played during our inaugural "Media-Sharing Day!"