The Human Resources & Psychological Organization is More Than Networking


The Human Resources & Psychology Organization (HRPO) is a Registered Student Organization (RSO) with a mission to foster a platform for developing essential business and interpersonal skills rooted in psychology, paving the way for professional success.

Established in 2019, HRPO has opened valuable opportunities through its networking abilities, leading its members to secure internships with companies like Amazon, RUN Group, Deloitte, and Boston Consulting Group. Additionally, several alumni have successfully been admitted to the Labor and Employment Relations graduate program here at the University of Illinois, further demonstrating the professional growth and advancement they support.

Heading into the fall semester of 2024, Abby Brown is the current Vice President of the organization. After transferring to UIUC from Elgin Community College, she was searching for a psychology RSO that focused on workplace psychology, hoping to form friendships and a sense of belonging. She “immediately felt welcomed into a community of individuals who had their own strong network.” This level of support fueled her to become more involved.

While HRPO is primarily catered to human resources and psychology students, the meetings benefit students from all majors with workshops on practical skills like resume building, LinkedIn optimization, and networking strategies. Abby claims, “We also delve deep into essential human resources concepts. A typical meeting involves a mix of collaborative discussion and structured learning, ensuring that while we focus on HR and psychology, all students can gain valuable insights and skills to enhance their professional development.”

In addition to nurturing their members' professional growth, they also focus on personal and community prosperity. HRPO conducts fundraisers to support organizations like “The Family Room” and “Cunningham Children’s Home.” Balance is also achieved through social events like their senior send-offs and holiday parties. Abby adds, “My favorite aspect of being involved with HRPO is the opportunity to build meaningful relationships while working on events that bring our members together. Whether it's hosting a barn dance with UPA (Undergraduate Psychology Organization) and WIP (Women in Psychology) or organizing professional speaker events with the former founders of HRPO and learning about their vision for the organization, I love seeing how our efforts create a strong sense of community. These experiences not only help us grow professionally but also allow us to form lasting friendships, which is something I was really seeking when I first joined HRPO.”

The Human Resources & Psychology Organization will have a table with more details at Quad Day on August 25th. There is also an “info night” on September 3rd at Everitt Room 1306 from 6:00-7:00p to find out how you can get involved.

You can also connect with HRPO on Instagram and LinkedIn or visit their website.