Michaela Justus is a second-year student majoring in psychology with a minor in criminology, law, and society. She has an interdisciplinary focus “so she can explore the many different psychology topics that UIUC has.” In particular, the intersection of psychology and criminology. Michaela is also on the consulting committee of the American Marketing Association and a member of the “RIP Chords,” an all-treble competitive a cappella group.
When Michaela Justus was a first-year student, she looked for a psychology club that was “fun, informative, and more laid back.” Unfortunately, the search did not yield the result she was hoping for, so she decided to create her own. The mission was to “create an environment where people feel supported and welcome.” Michaela also wanted to show her fellow students how versatile a psychology degree can genuinely be. So, she started Women in Psychology (WIP) “to show the many possibilities that a psychology degree holds,…as well as helping them reach their goals.”
As a brand new Registered Student Organization (RSO), WIP is in the early stages of growth as a group. Currently, there are plans for learning and networking events, including working on your “elevator speech” plus resume and Linkedin profile building. Social events will be added to the calendar as the semester gets rolling.
In addition, Michaela’s long-term goals are “a Big and Little program where upper-level students meet with beginner students that have similar psychology interests, and help them with any questions they may have.” Plus an end-of-the-year “Women in Psychology Career Expo.” She plans to help keep WIP running after graduation so it can become an established RSO for future generations.
WIP held its first meeting on September 28th, so there is still plenty of time to get involved. The requirements are to attend two “main” meetings and two social events per semester. You can contact them through their various social media platforms, including INSTAGRAM and TikTok.