Shape the Future Today Fund in Psychology
Funds raised will be used for timely or most-pressing needs within the Department of Psychology. Most recently, the Shape the Future Today Fund has been used to support graduate student conference travel and research. Research support is also vital for graduate students who conduct independent pilot studies to help develop their dissertation proposals, purchase equipment, and/or pay subjects to participate in their research.
Travel Award Beneficiary: Chistopher Zwilling
Thank you so much for providing these travel grants! I am interested in applying statistical and psychological insights to the medical and health fields. Being able to attend a conference like this one is invaluable for presenting my work and meeting other researchers with similar goals. Christopher is a part of the Quantitative Program
To learn more about investing in the future of our students, faculty, research, and more, please contact:
Mindy Brand
Assistant Director of Development
217.300.9913 |