Lance Du is a PhD student from the I/O psychology program at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He graduated First Class Honors from the Singapore University of Social Sciences with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Prior to attending grad school, Lance has had professional experience as a civil servant and a research associate at a large public university in Singapore.
Research Interests
- Organizational Behavior
- Cross-cultural Research
- Personality
- Vocational Interests
- Measurement
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Awards and Honors
Nancy Hirshberg Memorial Award - Outstanding Research in Individual Differences (2024)
Academy of Management Best Paper Award – Research Methods Division (2023)
Department of Psychology Summer Fellowship Award (2022)
William and Katherine Estes Travel Award Nominee (2022)
Taylor and Francis Gold Award (2018)
Cengage Learning Asia Book Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance (2018)
Dean’s List, School of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences (2016, 2017, 2018)
Singapore University of Social Sciences Scholarship (2015)
Courses Taught
Writing Center Lead Writing Mentor
PSYC245 - Introduction to I/O psychology
Recent Publications
Du, Y. Y. L., Wee, S., & Rounds, J. (2024). Gender differences in Vocational Interests Across 57 Countries: A Test of the Interest-Gender-Equality Paradox (In-press). Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Du, Y. Y. L., Jain, D., Guntuku, S. C., Hou, X., Ungar, L. H., & Tay, L. (2023). "That’s interesting!": Using Facebook language to predict vocational interests. Academy of Management Proceedings. **Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Research Methods Division
Du, Y. Y. L., & Templer, K. J. (2022). The happy subclinical psychopath: The protective role of boldness in successful psychopathy. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 1143–1168.
Conference Presentations
Du, Y. Y. L. & Gelfand, M. J., Drasgow, F. (2024). Sexual Orientation and Career Interests: The Moderating Role of LGB Acceptance & Cultural Tightness. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, United States. (DEI Division)
Du, Y. Y. L., Drasgow, F., & Rounds, J (2024). Gender Differences in the Network Structure of Basic Interests. [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Foster, J. F., Bovenschen, M., Delgado, K., Du, Y. Y. L., Harms, P., Mayfield, D., Stone, T, Butera, H. (2024). New innovations and advancements in personality assessment (Round 3) [Ignite]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Du, Y. Y. L.*, Meurer, M. M., D. Garcia, D., Glaser, A., Verzat, C., & Radic, M. (2023). *Session Moderator for "Using Social Media and Text Data in Management Research, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, 2023.
Du, Y. Y. L., Jain, D., Guntuku, S. C., Hou, X., Ungar, L. H., & Tay, L. (2023). That’s interesting!: The language of vocational interests on social media. Paper to be presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Du, Y. Y. L. & Rounds, J. (2023). Visualizing Interests-Personality Relationships With Network Analysis [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States.
Foster, J. F., Connelly, B. S., Delgado, K., Du, Y. Y. L., Guiterrez, S., Harms, P., Mayfield, D., Stone, T., Lewis, J., Rounds, J., Pringle, V., Dunlop, P.., & Carlson, E. (2023). New innovations and advancements in personality assessment (Round 2) [Ignite]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States.
Du, Y. Y. L. & Templer, K. J. (2022). Relations of HEXACO personality traits and goal orientation to job performance. [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Foster, J. F., Connelly, B. S., Delgado, K., Chu, C., Priest, L. I., Du, Y. Y. L., Lahti, K., Ong, X., Stone, T. H., Wiedenroth, A., McAbee, S. T., Fang, R., Greco, A., Hoff, K., Kidder, Q., Moore, C., Peters, J., & Templer, K. J. (2022). New innovations and advancements in personality assessment [Ignite]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Du, Y. Y. L., Templer, K. J., & Schweiger, M. (2021 July). Employee Psychopathy: Effects on Job Performance and Well-being. Presented at 32ndInternational Congress of Psychology (2021, July). (Virtual), Prague, Czech Republic.
Du, Y. Y. L., & Templer, K. J. (2020 August). Psychopathy facets and their effects on job satisfaction and well-being: Boldness as a moderator. Presented at 80th Academy of Management Meeting (Virtual), Vancouver, B. C., Canada.