Contact Information
Research Areas
Bill is a first-year doctoral student at UIUC and in their fourth year of research in Social Psychology with Professor Kimberly Rios.
Research Interests
- Social categorization and intergroup dynamics
- Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
- Intersectional stereotypes and resulting behavior
- Responses of majority group members to signals of inclusivity
- Indirect social categorization resulting from overlapping group stereotypes
Research Description
2019 |
Silvia, W. (2019). Witches trapped in amber: Panic over Satanic activity in the twentieth century. Clio: WCSU History Journal, 46, 55-64. |
2023 |
Silvia, W., & Rios, K. (2023, April). Fat and femininity: Higher-weight women are stereotyped as lesbians. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Silvia, W., Aloni, M., & Rios, K. (2023, February). Vegans and meat-eaters stereotype vegan men as gay. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA. |
2022 |
Silvia, W., & Rios, K. (2022, July). Associations between perceived weight, gender roles, and sexual orientation. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Weight Stigma Conference, Berlin, Germany. Silvia, W., & Rios, K. (2022, February). Fat and femininity: Implicit associations between lesbian women and fat. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA. |
2021 |
Silvia, W., & Rios, K. (2021, August). Fat and femininity: Implicit associations between lesbian women and fat. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychology Study of Social Issues summer conference, virtual conference. Silvia, W., & Aloni, M. (2021, February). Are vegans stereotyped to be gay? Examining the role of femininity in attributions of sexual orientation. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, virtual conference. Note: This poster was selected as one of five runners-up for the Graduate Student Poster Award at the SPSP virtual conference. |
2019 |
Silvia, W. (2019, November). Postcolonial themes in 2018 science fiction releases. Paper accepted for symposium at the Northeast Pop Culture Association conference, Portsmouth, NH (not presented). Custer, K., Clark, M., Oliveri, J., Silvia, W., & Simoes, A. (2019, October). I think I can, I know I can: Tutors’ development of self-efficacy. Panel presented at International Writing Centers Association/National Conference on Peer Tutoring conference, Columbus, OH. Silvia, W. (2019, May). Transgender colonialism: Twitter discourse around selected keywords. Poster presented at Western Research Day, Danbury, CT. |
Silvia, W. (2019, February). Not like the others: The effects of relationship type on perceived ethnic traits. Poster presented at the Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR. Note: This poster was selected as one of ten finalists for the Undergraduate Student Poster Award at SPSP in Portland, OR. |
2018 |
Silvia, W. (2018, May). Not like the others: The effects of relationship type on perceived ethnicity. Poster presented at Western Research Day, Danbury, CT. Note: This poster received a Provost’s Award at WRD in Danbury, CT. Custer, C., Falaguerra, C., Harmeling, K., Schroeder, Z., Silvia, B., Pizzo, S. (2018, March). Tutors have feelings, too: The phenomenon of emotion in tutoring practice. Workshop presented at Northeast Writing Center Association conference, Worcester, MA. Aloni, M., Geers, A., Coleman, M., Silvia, W., Banta, G., & Milano, K. (2018, March). Too high maintenance for me! The effect of the gluten-free dietary restriction on impressions of romantic partners. Poster presented by M. Aloni at the convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA. |
Projected 2026 |
Ph.D. in Social Psychology University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL |
Projected 2023 |
M.S. in Experimental Social Psychology Ohio University, Athens, OH |
May 2020 |
B.A. Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT
2023 |
Graduate Student Competitive Research Fund in Psychology, Ohio University, $600 grant |
2021 |
Graduate Student Competitive Research Fund in Psychology, Ohio University, $500 grant College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Research Fund, Ohio University, $1,000 grant |
Awards and Honors
2023 |
Graduate Student Competitive Research Fund in Psychology, Ohio University, $600 grant |
2021 |
Graduate Student Competitive Research Fund in Psychology, Ohio University, $500 grant College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Research Fund, Ohio University, $1,000 grant |
Courses Taught