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Mengtong Li

PhD Candidate


I am a fifth-year PhD Candidate in I/O psychology. Before I came to UIUC, I attained my bachelor's degree in computer science/software engineering and master's degree in psychology, both in Fudan University, China. I primarily work on topics about leadership, specifically meta-analyses on linking leadership to workplace outcomes such as turnover intentions, and also linking personality to leadership effectiveness/emergence.

Aside from leadership, I am also enthusiastic about seeking out opportunities where techniques of computer science and programming can be applied to improvement on psychometric methods. 

Outside of research, I also identify myself as a piano composer with passion in creativity, as well as a fan for old computer games such as DOOM and HOMM III.

Research Interests

Personality Measurement

Personality and Leadership

Job Attitudes & Turnover Intentions

Research Methods (Meta-Analysis, Machine Learning, Item Response Theory)


Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering, Fudan University

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University College Dublin (Joint Degree)

Master of Arts in Psychology, Fudan University

Courses Taught

Fall 2021: PSYC 245 (Instructor)

Spring 2021, Fall 2020: PSYC 245 (Teaching Assistant)

Spring 2020: PSYC 353 (Teaching Assistant)

Fall 2019: PSYC 468 (Teaching Assistant)

Highlighted Publications

Li, M., Zhang, B., & Mou, Y., (Accepted). Though forced, still valid: Examining the psychometric performance of forced-choice measurement of personality in children and adolescents. Assessment.

Li, M., Zhang, B., Li, L., Sun, T., & Brown, A. (2024). Mix-keying or desirability-matching in the construction of forced-choice measures? An empirical investigation and practical recommendations. Organizational Research Methods. Advance Online Publication.

Javalagi, A. A., Newman, D. A., & Li, M. (2024). Personality and Leadership: Meta-Analytic Review of Cross-Cultural Moderation, Behavioral Mediation, and Honesty-Humility. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance Online Publication.

Li, M., Sun, T., & Zhang, B. (2022). autoFC: An R Package for Automatic Item Pairing in Forced-Choice Test Construction. Applied Psychological Measurement46(1), 70–72.

Recent Publications

Zhou, Z., Li, M., Wu, J., & Li, X. (2021). Differential Associations Between Parents' Versus Children's Perceptions of Parental Socialization Goals and Chinese Adolescent Depressive Symptoms. Frontiers in psychology12.

Chang, C. W., Yeh, S. C., & Li, M. (2020). The Adoption of a Virtual Reality–Assisted Training System for Mental Rotation: A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Approach. JMIR serious games8(1), e14548.

Chang, C. W., Li, M., Yeh, S. C., Chen, Y., & Rizzo, A. (2020). Examining the Effects of HMDs/FSDs and Gender Differences on Cognitive Processing Ability and User Experience of the Stroop Task-Embedded Virtual Reality Driving System (STEVRDS). IEEE Access8, 69566-69578.

Chang, C. W., Yeh, S. C., Li, M., & Yao, E. (2019). The introduction of a novel virtual reality training system for gynecology learning and its user experience research. IEEE Access7, 43637-43653.