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Jinsoo Choi


As of Fall 2024, I am a fourth-year PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I also earned a Master's degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology (in May 2024). I am originally from Seoul, South Korea. Before coming to the USA, I completed dual bachelor's degree programs in Counseling Psychology and Management (both earned in February 2018) as well as a master's degree in Psychology (earned in July 2019) in South Korea.

Research Interests

My current research interests focus on...

(1) Personnel Selection 
   - faking issues in high-stakes situations (e.g., forced-choice measure, socially desirable response)
   - adverse impact 

   - job performance (e.g., multi-dimensional performance measure)

(2) Research Method 
  - structural equation modeling (e.g., structural-after-measurement)
  - bifactor model 
  - longitudinal analysis (e.g., growth model)

(3) Development & Validation of Psychological Measurement
  - Korean Workaholism Scale
  - Korean BigFive2 Scale


Courses Taught

PSYC 455: Organizational Behavior (Spring 2023) - Instructor

PSYC 332: Social Psychological Methods (Fall 2023) - Lab Instructor

PSYC 455: Organizational Behavior (Spring 2024) - Instructor (Nominated for "Teaching Excellence")

Recent Publications

Choi, J., Kwon, S., & Zhang, B. (2024). A Structural After Measurement Approach to Bifactor Predictive Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. (in press). 

Kim, N., Choi, J., Park, Y., & Sohn, Y. (2022). The Multidimensional workaholism scale in a Korean population: A cross-cultural validation study, Journal of Career Assessment30(2), 258-284.

Seol, J., Park Y., Choi, J., & Sohn, Y. (2021). The mediating role of meaning in life in the effect of calling on post-traumatic stress symptoms and growth: A longitudinal study of navy soldiers deployed to the Gulf of Aden. Frontiers in Psychology11, 599109.

Choi, J., Park, Y., & Sohn, Y. (2020). Corporate social responsibility increases job applicants’ application intention: A mediated moderation model of calling and value congruence. Career Development International26, 65-82