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Research Areas
Allyson Blackburn (she & they) is a doctoral candidate interested in recovery from sexual violence, the role of social networks in recovery, longitudinal data analysis, and sexual violence experiences of sexual and gender minority people. As a graduate student at the University of Illinois, Allyson has worked under the supervision of Dr. Nicole Allen (now at Vanderbilt) on several projects, including a state-wide evaluation of the Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) program. Allyson has also worked with Dr. Rachel Garthe in the school of social work on an NIMH R21(PI: Hereth, UW-Milwuakee) using Life History Data to examine transgender women's victimization experiences and trajectories. Allyson has previously taught PSYC 239: Introduction to Community Psychology. Additionally, Allyson served as the editorial assistant for the American Journal of Community Psychology (AJCP) from 2020-2022, and was the action editor of the 50th anniversary special issue of AJCP. Allyson currently lives in Chicago and works as a clinical extern at The University of Chicago Medical Center in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Mental Health Program.
Allyson is on the editorial board for Psychological Trauma: Research, Theory, Practice, and Policy as well as Sexual Abuse. Allyson volunteers at Uniting Pride of Champaign as a facilitator for the teen support group.
Allyson graduated from Tufts University in 2017 with a B.A. in Clinical Psychology. As an undergraduate, Allyson was the student co-chair of the Resource Working group on the Tufts University President's Task Force for Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Education, working to implement resources and effective pathways for referrals for survivors of sexual assault. Allyson worked as a Research Assistant at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Community Psychiatry Program for Research in Implementation and Dissemination of Evidence-Based Therapies (PRIDE) under Dr. Luana Marques, where Allyson completed a senior honors thesis on the specific barriers to care faced by Latinos seeking treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Upon graduation, Allyson worked as a post-baccalaureate research assistant within the MGH Department of Psychiatry studying the treatment and treatment engagement of people with PTSD, working at both the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and Complicated Grief Program (CATSD) as well as the Home Base Program, which serves veterans and family members struggling with the invisible wounds of war. Allyson also served as a Rape Crisis Counselor at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center on the 24-hour Hotline.
Research Interests
- Psychological sequelae of sexual violence
- Sexual violence among LGBTQ populations
- Help-seeking and attainment following exposure to trauma
- Implementation of evidence-based interventions
- LGBTQ well-being
- Ego-centric social network analysis
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Master of Science, 2021
Tufts University, Bachelor of Arts in Clinical Psychology, 2017
Dissertation Completion Fellowship. Spring 2024. $25,000.
Awards and Honors
Fred and Ruby Kanfer Achievement Award. Spring 2024. Awarded to an outstanding clinical-community Psychology doctoral student whose research and teaching record endeavors to promote psychological well-being.
Sarah C. Manglesdorf Award. Spring 2024. Awarded to an outstanding female psychology doctoral student who has exhibited in research/scholarship and teaching, and who has shown the potential to be an academic leader.
Courses Taught
PSYC 239: Introduction to Community Psychology (Fall 2023; Spring 2024)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Highlighted Publications
Blackburn, A.M., Katz, B.W., Oesterle, D.W., & Orchowski, L. (2024). Preventing sexual violence in sexual orientation and gender diverse communities: A call to action. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. https://doi.org/10.1080/20008066.2023.2297544
Blackburn, A. M., Allen, N. E., Griffin, B., & Garthe, R. C. (2024). Intimate Partner Violence Among Bisexual-Spectrum Cisgender Undergraduate Women and Their Heterosexual Counterparts: A Preliminary Investigation. Journal of Bisexuality, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/15299716.2024.2332887
Blackburn, A.M., Bystrynski, J., Rieger, A., Garthe, R.C., Piasecki, M., & Allen, N.E., (2023). Sexual assault revictimization among sexual minority individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence. https://doi.org/10.1037/vio0000477
Blackburn, A.M., Xu, B., Gibson, L., Wright, E., & Ohye, B., (2022). The effect of intimate partner violence on treatment response in an intensive outpatient program for suicide-bereaved military widows. Military Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/08995605.2022.2040918
Blackburn, A.M. & Todd, N. R. (2022). Pride in our community: Reflecting on LGBTQ publications in the American Journal of Community Psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12618
Garthe, R., Kaur, A., Rieger, A., Blackburn, A. M., Kim, S., Goffnet, J. (2021). Peer and dating violence victimization experiences of cisgender, transgender, and gender-expansive adolescents. Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-004317